Monstera Plants leaves turning yellow

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    Hi any one know the cure for monstera plants. The plants leave turning yellow what should i do. Please tell me how to save monstera plant. Thanks

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    Hi if the leaves are turning yellow, are they also drooping down and feeling soft or flimsy? If yes then it’s either overwatering or maybe the pot is keeping all the water in. Monstera doesn’t like living in a bathtub, water has to drain out before you water it again. Is there a hole at the bottom of your pot? Is is clogged up? I hope it hasn’t been too long like this because what’s happening is that the roots are rotting. Don’t water at all until the soil is really dry, hopefully it can survive.

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    I had a yellow monstera and when the leaves turned yellow I didn’t do anything and it died.

    So from my experience, try to change at least something because it won’t heal on its own!

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    Hello there! I’d be delighted to help you save your Monstera plant. Yellowing leaves can be a common issue, but with a little care, your Monstera can bounce back to its lush, green self.

    Here’s what you can do to rescue your Monstera:

    1. Check Your Watering: Overwatering is often the main culprit for yellowing leaves. To ensure your Monstera’s well-being, make sure the pot it’s in has drainage holes. When it comes to watering, let the top inch of the soil dry out before you water it again. You can simply check the moisture level by inserting your finger into the soil.

    2. Adequate Drainage: Ensure your pot has proper drainage, so excess water can escape, preventing waterlogged soil.

    3. Proper Lighting: Monstera plants thrive in well-lit, indirect sunlight. Positioning them near a window where they receive gentle, filtered light works best. Remember to shield them from direct sunlight, as excessive exposure can lead to leaf scorching.

    4. Fertilize Wisely: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your Monstera with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. This can help address nutrient deficiencies that may be contributing to the yellowing.

    5. Humidity Matters: Monstera plants appreciate higher humidity levels. If you live in a dry climate or have indoor heating, misting the leaves or using a humidity tray can create a more suitable environment for your plant.

    6. Pruning: If you notice severely yellowed or damaged leaves, don’t hesitate to trim them off. This encourages your Monstera to focus its energy on healthy growth.

    7. Monitor Your Environment: Keep an eye on the temperature and airflow in your home. Sudden drafts or extreme temperature fluctuations can stress the plant.

    Following these steps can give your Monstera the TLC it needs to recover and thrive. Plant care is a learning process, and each Monstera is unique. With patience and the right care, your Monstera can regain its vibrancy.
    For a deeper dive into understanding why your Monstera leaves might be turning yellow and the ways you can tackle this concern check out the article I wrote. It covers numerous reasons and provides detailed solutions to help you revive your plant’s lush greenery. Happy plant parenting!  😀

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