Cala lilies, why are they dying before they fully bloom?

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    The edges of the flowers turn brown and wither.  My plants are in full sun in western France, they are well watered.  Any ideas please?

    Thanks for your help. Sharon

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    Isn’t it connected to the recent heat waves? Maybe they got “cooked”, if it was hot in your area. Do you think you could share a quick pic maybe we’ll see something amiss

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    Thankyou for your prompt reply, been having this problem since Spring, I’ll get a picci to you asap, thanks again for your help. Sharon

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    ah so not the heat, then. Yes, please do it’ll be easier to see what’s wrong

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    Wow those pictures sure are clear. It’s kinda hard to say what might be up. Some of the flowers seem to have properly bloomed because you can see the seed pods forming, it’s the ones with the corn-cob like seeds. I think if the flower is pollinated, it immediately starts turning brown. Perhaps the many insects crawling around there are doing too good of a job!

    If the others haven’t even bloomed yet and are already turning brown, it’s probably a problem with either watering or soil. Missing nutrients? Have you tried giving it fertilizer?

    As for water, I don’t think there’s too much of it because if it was drowning or rotting you’d have yellowing leaves, but the leaves look happy. They might actually have a little too much heat because some of the leaves are dried around the edges. Is it windy? Maybe the combination of heat and wind dries it up. I have one in corner of the garden, it only gets morning sun as it’s sheltered against a wall, and though it doesn’t have as many flowers as yours they all reach their beautiful white blooming.

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    It does seem hard to know whether your plants are suffering from lack of nutrition or possibly excess of water. The best way to find out is to try to move them to a drier location and give them less water. If they live longer by any chance, you can conclude that they need more water. What I can advice you is to check the soil’s pH level. You can buy (or even make) a kit for measuring pH level over the internet and test your soil to see if it is acidic or alkaline. Most cultivars of Calatheas are acidic and thrive in soil with pH 4.5 to 5.5. If your soil is alkaline, it is possible that your plants are not doing well.

    sharon xsharon x
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    do you have to cut these down when they look like this



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    Hi sharon x, are you the same person bres1 is? maybe @Nate can help you out with the logins if so.

    Anyway about the calla lilies I’d say yes go ahead and cut the seed pods off before they form completely. They’re simply gonna tire the plant out. If you remove them you’ll still get a few more tries for more flowers. Did you try moving them like David suggested?

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