Bay laurel propagation through cuttings

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    Has anyone successfully tried propagating bay laurel through cuttings? What’s your secret?  😎

    Expert gardener
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    Na, it didn’t work for me either. I waited for several months for some roots to come out but nothing appeared. Seeds work best, at least from what I heard.

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    I’ve got bay laurel and every spring I have to pull out numerous new germinated seeds that had fell just below the tree. So yes, it’s so easy to propagate through seeds.

    Green Thumb (moderator)
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    The key is the timing and choosing the right branch.

    Propagate bay laurel through cuttings in summer. Choose branches that are still green, firm but still can be bent without breaking it. Cut at least 3 that are not shorter than 15 cm or 6 ft. You need 3 so you have more chances of getting one that’s successful if the 2 others fail. Then, snip off leaves but keep 2-3 at the top most of the branch. Dip it in rooting hormone before sticking it in the potted soil. Water just enough to wet the soil and then cover it with plastic to keep moisture. Place your pot in a luminous area but no direct sunlight. Then, you’ve got a month or two to wait for it to root.

    Let us know when you’re successful.  😉

    “You got to be a gardener to appreciate dirty and muddy hands.”

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