Some garden interests.

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    Hi everyone.
    I thought I’d share a bit about myself .. I love gardening ..over the years I turned my 4 lots in a rural town into a walk-about adventure of raised garden beds of various shapes and sizes using materials that have been recycled scrounged or relatively cheap to purchase. Every year I have acquired a few more perennials and now after 30+ year have a very nice mix of perennials & annuals (flowers) interspersed with the numerous vegis I plant each year .. I try to consider attracting bees and birds to my gardens so some plants are absolute treasures to me .. one such plant is the borage plant. The bees 🐝 come in great numbers to the borage and produce the most amazing symphony of humm and buzz once the borage begins to bloom..It self sows so pops up everywhere ..I always allow a swath of borage to grow near my cabbage plants as borage helps to protect the cabbages from the cabbage moth, and protects the young cucumber plants from cold winds .. The seeds are high in Omega oil, so I harvest the seed (the whole flower) to put a pinch into my morning smoothies throughout the winter months.. borage will flower all summer and into the fall so when other flowers are dying back the borage plant continues to push forth fresh blue petals … I recently planted 3 honeysuckle plants near a patch of Montbretia (also known as crocosomia)..both the honeysuckle and Montbretia are guaranteed to attract the hummingbirds that nest every year in my wisteria tree.. I have a small hanging cage that gets filled in early Spring with 100% organic cotton stuffing which the hummingbirds gather and use to build their nests.
    My garden at times in the past was very hard work but has evolved into a most pleasant style of life .. there will always be chores but that is a big part of the charm for me .. gardening gives purpose and brings fulfillment …

    Green Thumb (moderator)
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    Hello again lizzieo! It’s very nice of you sharing your gardening journey. I can imagine how your garden is highly maximized! It’s inspiring.

    Are you into beekeeping as well?

    “You got to be a gardener to appreciate dirty and muddy hands.”

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    Hi Carol…  I would love to manage a couple of hives but at this point I really don’t know much about bee keeping. I do know how important bees are to our food production though so I try to plant flowers to attract these helpful pollinators…
    in my town we refer to February and March as the month of Farch .. some days it feels as though Spring is just around the corner and other days you wake up to a temperature drop that takes the barometer below freezing. Right now this week we are in a deep freeze and the temp. is hovering between -9 C and -20 C…. not exactly making for a Spring feeling  …  I’ve started sorting through my saved seeds and am hoping to set up some timed lighting to start a couple of trays of tomato, pepper and eggplant seeds to give them a good start indoors.
    Do you have a max garden as well Carol. ?? Bees??

    Green Thumb (moderator)
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    I totally understand the feeling, waiting for better weather so we could say spring is near. Preparing seeds and sowing, I agree, is a good thing to do at the moment. Do you buy your seeds or do you get it from your best harvest?

    Yes, I’m trying to plant as many as possible in my garden, keeping a space untouched for grass and wild flowers to grow for the bees. I’ve got 3 hives of around 2 years old which I inherited from my parents. I had no knowledge on beekeeping back then and so I had to enroll in a beekeeping training. I’m still learning, getting some stings every now and then but super happy! I eat my own harvest of honey, incredible isn’t it?

    “You got to be a gardener to appreciate dirty and muddy hands.”

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    I advise you to hire lawn care expert who take care of your lawn and maintain your garden that look more attractive.

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    Good morning all… Gosh its been over a year since I was in this forum. Life seems to always be busy and often gets in the way of maintaining connections on-line.. Once again I find myself thinking about plans for gardening , sorting seeds and yesterday I purchased a new batch of organic Parsley and Spinach.. I find myself reviewing my past photos and spend at least a little time each day dreaming of the planting season ahead..

    I hope everyone is safe and healthy..


    Green Thumb
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    Wow that’s a beautiful panorama! It looks spectacular! I can see the borage, it really seems to thrive there, but I’m most impressed with the huge leaves further back… are they zucchini?

    Loving the season!

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    Yes !! Good eye !  I had an amazing zucchini plant there. In the slight foreground of the zucchini plant is a cabbage plant. I harvest the borage flowers throughout the summer season and dry them .. each day during the winter months ,I add a small handful to my smoothies or a pot of soup ..a great way to balance out my Omega consumption.. behind the zucchini is a lovely Mullein plant .. I have a few of these growing throughout my gardens and I harvest the flowers and leaves to dry and utilize this plant as a staple in my herbal medicine collection .. Mullein has been used for centuries to clear the lungs , reduce coughing, bronchitis, and help reduce the risk of pneumonia, as well as aiding to reduce fever and sooth a soar throat .. My gardens are my haven that keeps me busy and contented from Early April till late September… After 32 years the gardens have gone from an entirely grassy piece of land to  walk about pathways with multi shaped raised beds .. For  me it has become a lifestyle and a labor of love .. 🌺



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