Strawberries eaten before fully ripe

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    Strawberry fruits are more than a handful right now which is really good because I had nothing last year. Yesterday there were at least 2 fruits that started to get reddish. I checked earlier today and to my surprise they were half eaten by I dont know what. How to protect them either natural or chemical Im interested to know.

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    Oh man.. I can imagine how frustrating this could be.  😡  If fruits aren’t totally consumed, this could only mean it’s slugs or snails. Try cocoa mulch and put them around the plants. It’s not only keeping the fruits clean by not touching the ground but the texture is kind of prickly for these soft-bodied pests and don’t like it. And here’s a bonus: your garden will smell like chocolate!! How about that?  😀

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    I had a chat with friends about slugs and snails control after having made a comment here about basil plant to be planted outdoor. Beer came up to be a famous solution because apparently, slugs and snails love it. They get in the container of beer and get drowned.  I never tried it although I’d heard about it before simply because I love beer too and can’t dare waste it on them! Covering the plant during the night is what I always do.

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    Hello treehugger! I never heard of cocoa mulch before! It might be a good technique to keep kids in the garden? 😀

    Used coffee grounds work too but only for a period of time. When there’s rain or watering, it washes away the caffeine that slugs and snails don’t like. The water also make the coffee grounds stick in the soil in a way that when they crawl on it, it doesn’t stick anymore on their slimy bodies (supposedly uncomfortable, they don’t like it either).  Tried saw dust as well, just to keep them away and same result when it rains, not efficient anymore!

    The thing is, if you have time to spare for putting coffee grounds around the plant after every rain or watering, why not? I don’t like chemical solutions just make me afraid of contaminating the fruits and then you don’t know what you take in later. Of course I don’t intend to limit your options, Wilibores. I’m just giving an opinion. 🙂

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