Calamondin tree flowering in November. Can I pollination

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    Help!. My Calamondin tree that I bought this spring with fruit already on it is flowering now in November. Can I do anything to pollinate it as I am now keeping it in my sitting room.

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    Hi @travelerjohn yes you actually can do something to pollinate it! It would really help because since it’s inside, there aren’t as many pollinators… mosquitoes don’t pollinate much… lol

    You can use a thin paintbrush to pollinate the flowers: dab it in a first flower gently then switch the second, third, etc. In the end, each flower is pollinated by the pollen from a number of different flowers.

    If you know someone with another citrus (nearly any citrus will do) and its flowering too, you can bring them together and switch pollen from one tree to the next: cross-pollination tends to make fruit-set more successful.

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