Can I move my easter cactus to a colder room for two weeks?

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    I’ve got a rather large Schlumbergera and my grandkids are coming over for a couple weeks – I can’t keep it in the house with them around. It’s 15 years old and nearly four feet across.

    My question is, can I move it to the garage where it’s still a bit cold these days? Lows at night are around 40°-50° F. Any precautions I should take?

    Thank you in advance for your suggestions.


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    Hi that’s a huge fellow! For it to grow so large, in 15 years, that’s amazing!

    I would simply make sure there’s a little square of light in the garage, and then for the cold, perhaps just wrap it in a bit of translucent cloth or something? Maybe also wrap the pot with bubble wrap?

    Perhaps you can wait for a few other people to comment, too.

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    Yes, you can move your Easter cactus to a colder room for a few weeks without any issues, as long as the temperature stays above freezing. This will give the plant a rest period and encourage it to bloom next season. Just be sure to return it to its regular spot with consistent temperatures and adequate sunlight after the two weeks.

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