how to thin an escallonia hedge

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    My escallonia rubra macrantha hedge is far too wide, is it ok now in early august to saw off large branches on the outside hopefully to allow the central branches to get more sunlight and hopefully produce leaves even in early August?   It gets a lot of sun on the side I would take branches out from at ground level.  I live in N. Ireland, coastal garden so very little severe winter weather.   AT present we still probably have another month of good weather.  Thanks

    Nate from N&GNate from N&G
    Green Thumb (moderator)
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    Hi Penny, yes it is possible to remove a few branches off from your escallonia. Normally it’s said that it’s best to wait until the end of summer, say September, but that’s mostly to make sure the shrub looks trim and tidy over the winter since autumn growth isn’t very vigorous. Since you actually want new growth at this point, yes do go ahead and trim it now. It’ll grow back nicely wherever sun hits the trunk.

    Nature & Garden moderator.
    Message me if you have any questions, I’ll be glad to help out!

    “Winter reveals the strength inside… of those who dare go out!”

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    Thanks very much – we have now undertaken a major revamp of the hedge and the forecast looks as if we are going to have the rest of the month with heat and sun so here’s hoping for a much better hedge next year!!   It is actually a windbreak between 2 parts of our garden but already it looks better.   Thanks again

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