I am Looking for a Way to Preserve Winter Pears Just Picked from the Trees Now.

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    We just purchased some winter pears that are still hard. Is there a way to preserve them when they are hard?

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    Hi Norna all the usual ways will work even when the pears are still hard. Like canning, freezing (with a dash of lemon juice), dehydraing… The thing is, they won’t yet taste quite as sweet. If you bite into one now, that’s more or less the taste you’ll get with your preserved pears.

    You could say the preserving stops the ripening from happening.

    If you’ve got a dry, cool, dark place, that’s where you can store the pears for long-term storage. Spread them in crates so they don’t touch, and check on them every week. If a batch is ripening up faster than you can eat them, then you can preserve them at that stage and they’ll be a lot tastier.

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