Please help me identify this plant! It bloomed red flowers.

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    Hey there! It sounds like your tangerine plant is having a bit of a tough time adjusting to the indoor vibes. Moving it to a south-facing window was a smart move since these plants crave sunshine, especially during the gloomy days of a Canadian winter. The cold draft from the open window could definitely be stressing it out too, as citrus plants aren’t fans of chilly breezes. As for watering, be careful not to overdo it  stick to once a week unless the soil is drying out faster. Check the soil a couple of inches deep; if it’s dry, it’s time to water. You don’t want to drown it, especially when it’s already stressed. Giving it some citrus-specific fertilizer can help perk it up, just follow the directions for dosing. Keep it warm, keep the drafts away, and it should start to bounce back!

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